Besides working extensively with indexes in Spanish (and being on the cutting edge of high standards in that area; see writings cited on the Spanish Language Indexes page), we are also pleased to draw on our expertise in Latin American history, anthropology, and sociology to prepare indexes for a variety of works in the humanities and social science areas. As well, our firsthand experience in higher education gives us a depth of background to work with a variety of college textbooks in both English and Spanish.
Editors of Latin American books prefer to work with us because of attention to detail and the subject and linguistic knowledge to know when a term or name is not used correctly. And knowing when accent marks are used comes in very handy as a final quality control check. Canadian edition spellings are also subject to strict quality control.
Following is a selected list of the scholarly and trade press titles relevant to Latin American themes, followed by a brief list of college textbooks indexed in recent years. The list includes a number of titles in criminal justice.
Latin American History and Related Works – selected titles
College-level Textbooks – a very brief and selective list
Latin American History and Related Works
A list of selected titles
- Radding, Bountiful Deserts: Sustaining Indigenous Worlds in Northern New Spain (University of Arizona Press, 2022)
- Smith & Covarrubias, Talons of the Eagle 5e (Oxford University Press, 2021)
- García & McCracken (eds.), Rewriting the Chicano Movement: New Histories of Mexican American Activism in the Civil Rights Era (University of Arizona Press, 2021)
- DeCoster, Conflict and Accommodation in Colonial New Mexico (Oxford University Press, 2019)
- Mayorga, Galápagos: Imaginarios de la evolución textual en las islas encantadas (Purdue University Press, 2019)
- Oudin-Bastide & Steiner, Calculation and Morality: The Costs of Slavery and the Value of Emancipation in the French Antilles (Oxford University Press, 1e 2019)
- Smith & Green, Modern Latin America (New York: Oxford University Press, 9e 2018)
- López Caballero & Acevedo-Rodrigo (eds.), Beyond Alterity: Destabilizing the Indigenous Other in Mexico (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018)
- Burkholder et al., Exploitation, Inequality and Resistance in Latin America (Oxford University Press, 1e 2017)
- Robinson, The Mark of Rebels: Indios Fronterizos and Mexican Independence (University of Alabama Press, 2016)
- Moyna & Rivera-Mills, Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016)
- Santamaría & Carey, eds., Violence and Crime in Latin America (University of Oklahoma Press, 2016)
- Celello and Kholoussy, eds., Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation (Oxford University Press, 2016)
- Dueñas-Vargas, Of Love and Other Passions: Elites, Politics, and Family in Bogotá, Colombia, 1778—1870 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2015)
- Herrera, Juan Bautista de Anza: The King’s Governor in New Mexico (University of New Mexico Press, 2015)
- Needell, ed., Emergent Brazil: Key Perspectives on a New Global Power (University Press of Florida, 2015)
- Rodriguez, Our Sacred Maíz is Our Mother (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014)
- Lohse, Africans into Creoles: Slavery, Ethnicity, and Identity in Colonial Costa Rica (University of New Mexico Press, 2014
- Noel, Debating National Identity: Southwestern Statehood and Mexican Immigration (University of Arizona Press, 2013)
- Cook and Offit, Indigenous Religion and Cultural Performance in the New Maya World (University of New Mexico Press, 2013)
- Milanesio, Workers Go Shopping in Argentina: The Rise of Popular Consumer Culture (University of New Mexico Press, 2012)
- Crumbley, Saved and Sanctified: The Rise of a Storefront Church in Great Migration Philadelphia (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2012)
- Liebmann, Revolt: An Archaeological History of Pueblo Resistance and Revitalization in 17th Century New Mexico (University of Arizona Press, 2012)
- Morrow, trans., A Harvest of Reluctant Souls: Fray Alonso de Benavides’s History of New Mexico, 1630 (University of New Mexico Press, 2012)
- Dym and Offen, eds., Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011)
- Tinker, The Migration of Peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas (University Press of Florida, 2011)
- Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford, UK, 2010) in collaboration with Victoria Agee of Agee Indexing
- Benavente, Embroiderers of Ninhue (Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2009)
- Selee and Peruzzotti, Participatory Innovation and Representative Democracy in Latin America (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2009)
- Wade, Missions, Missionaries, and Native Americans (University Press of Florida, 2008)
- Blair & Kaserman, Antitrust Economics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2e 2008)^
- Cueto Cold War, Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication in Mexico, 1955–1975 (Washington and Baltimore: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007)
- Palmer, U.S. Relations with Latin America during the Clinton Years (University Press of Florida, 2006)
- Fernández, Cuba Transnational (University Press of Florida, 2005)
- Nowotny, Tlacuilolli…Mexican Pictorial Manuscripts (University of Oklahoma Press, 2005)
- Azicri and Deal (eds.), Cuban Socialism in a New Century: Adversity, Survival, and Renewal (University Press of Florida, 2004)
- Lange and Ahlhorn, Mission San Xavier del Bac: A Guide to Its Iconography (University of Arizona Press, 2004)
- Pitti, The Devil in Silicon Valley: Northern California, Race, and Mexican Americans (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2003)
- Austin Alchon, A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective (University of New Mexico Press, 2002)
- New Catholic Encyclopedia vols. 8 and 13 (Gale Group, 2002)
- Pastor, Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 2001)
- Tulchin and Espach (eds.), Combating Corruption in Latin America (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2000)
- Mark, The Silver Gringo: William Spratling and Taxco (University of New Mexico Press, 1999)
- Parodi, To Be a Worker: Identity and Politics in Peru (University of North Carolina Press, 2000)
- Coerver and Hall, Tangled Destinies: Latin America and the United States (University of New Mexico Press, 1999)
- O’Brien, The Century of U.S. Capitalism in Latin America (University of New Mexico Press, 1999)
- Arnson, ed., Comparative Peace Processes in Latin America (Washington, DC and Stanford: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1999)
- Burke, The Ground Beneath the Cross: The Theology of Ignacio Ellacuría (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1999)
- Schuler, Mexico between Hitler and Roosevelt (University of New Mexico Press, 1998)
- Hopkins, Into the Heart of the Fire: The British in the Spanish Civil War (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998)
- Klein, The American Finances of the Spanish Empire: Royal Income and Expenditures in Colonial Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia, 1680–1809 (University of New Mexico Press, 1998)
- Gonzalez & Cook-Lynn, The Politics of Hallowed Ground: Wounded Knee and the Struggle for Indian Sovereignty (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1998)
- Johnson and Lipsett-Rivera, Faces of Honor: Sex, Shame and Violence in Colonial Latin America (University of New Mexico Press, 1998)
- Mills & Taylor, Colonial Spanish America: A Documentary History (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1998)
- Feinberg, Summitry in the Americas (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1997)
- Hemisfile, Perspectives on Political and Economic Trends in the Americas (Institute of the Americas, La Jolla), vol. 1-7 cumulative print index (1990–1996)
- Hershfield, Mexican Cinema/Mexican Woman, 1940–1950 (University of Arizona Press, 1996)
- Velasco, Demons, Nausea and Resistance in the Diary of Isabel de Jesús (University of New Mexico Press, 1995)
- Balderrama and Rodríguez, Decades of Betrayal (University of New Mexico Press, 1995)
- Chasteen, Heroes on Horseback: A Life and Times of the Last Gaucho Caudillos (University of New Mexico Press, 1995)
- Kinsbruner, Independence in Spanish America (University of New Mexico Press, 1994)
- Gómez-Quiñones, Chicano History: A Political History of the Mexican People North of the Río Bravo from the 1600s to the 1940s (University of New Mexico Press, 1994)
- López Austin, The Myths of the Opossum: Pathways of Mesoamerican Mythology (University of New Mexico Press, 1993)
Prize-winning volumes
- Herbert E. Bolton Memorial Prize for best book in Latin America history 1994 Enrique Tandeter, Coercion and Market: Silver Mining in Colonial Potosí, 1692–1826 (University of New Mexico Press, 1993)
- Choice Prize for Non-fiction Ignacio Avellaneda, The Conquerors of the New Kingdom of Granada (University of New Mexico Press, 1995)
- Spur Award for Best Western Nonfiction Biography Alan Rosenus, General M.G. Vallejo and the Advent of the Americans: A Biography (University of New Mexico Press, 1995)
- Choice Prize for Academic Titles Robert H. Jackson, Race, Caste and Status: Indians in Colonial Spanish America (University of New Mexico Press, 1997)
College-level Textbooks
A very brief and selective list
- Coleman & Lawrence, The Oxford Handbook of Black Horror Film (Oxford University Press, 2024)
- Foucault et al., Market Liquidity (Oxford University Press, 2e 2023)
- Rogers, Aging in the Social Environment (Oxford University Press, 1e 2023)
- Winterdyk, Canadian Criminology (Oxford University Press, Canada 5e 2023)
- Bacarro, Blyth & Pontusson, eds., Diminishing Returns (Oxford University Press, 1e 2022)
- Lab, Policing (Oxford University Press, 1e 2021)
- Staggenborg, Social Movements (Oxford University Press, 3e 2021)
- Lab et al., Criminal Justice: The Essentials (Oxford University Press, 6e 2021)
- Lab/Burek/Buerger, Corrections: The Essentials (Oxford University Press, 1e 2020)
- Russell, Operations Management (John Wiley & Sons, Canadian edition, 2e 2019)
- Davis, Managerial Accounting (John Wiley & Sons, 4e 2019)
- Russell, Operations Management (John Wiley & Sons, 10e 2019)
- Leeming, World of Myth (Oxford University Press, 3e 2018)
- Metcalf, Paying for Pollution (Oxford University Press, 1e 2018)
- Pearson’s University Success Writing 2, Student Book with English Lab (2018)
- Bowles, Understanding Capitalism, Competition, Command, and Change (Oxford University Press, 4e 2017)
- Hubbard & O’Brien, Money, Banking, and the Financial System (Pearson, 3e 2017)
- Aghion, The Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics (Oxford University Press, 1e 2016)
- Brooks, Financial Management: Core Concepts (Prentice-Hall, 3e 2015)
- Noe, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (McGraw-Hill SEM, 5e 2015)
- Drutman, The Business of America is Lobbying (Oxford University Press, 1e 2015)
- Naylor, The Evolving Sphere of Food Security (Oxford University Press, 1e 2014)
- Padilla-Walker & Carlo, Prosocial Development (Oxford University Press, 1e 2014)
- Kurtz, Recovery Groups (Oxford University Press, 1e 2014)
- Coleman, Unfinished Work: The Struggle to Build an Aging American Workforce (Oxford University Press, 2014)
- Feist, Psychology Perspectives and Connections (McGraw-Hill, 3e 2014)
- Baird, THINK Psychology (Pearson Education Canada, 2Ce, 2013)
- Bartollas & Miller, Juvenile Justice in America (Prentice-Hall, 7e 2013)
- Johnson, Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills (Prentice-Hall, 11e 2012)
- Skwire & Wiener, Student’s Book of College English (Pearson Longman, 13e 2011)
- Lorber & Moore, Gendered Bodies: Feminist Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2e 2011)
- Hine et al., The African-American Odyssey 2 vol. (Prentice-Hall, 5e 2010)
- Leeser, Así lo veo (McGraw-Hill, 1e 2010)
- Dawson, Con brio (Wiley, 2e 2009, 3e 2012, 4e 2016)
- Pérez Girones, Más español intermedio (McGraw-Hill, 1e 2009, 2e 2013)
- German, Principles of Public Speaking (Pearson, 17e 2009)
- Summers, Quality Management: Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness (Prentice Hall, 2e 2009)
- Ferry, Learning and Memory: Basic Principles, Processes, and Procedures (Allyn & Bacon, 4e 2008)
- Geoffrion-Vinci and Carreira, ¡Sí se puede!: Un curso transicional para hispanoparlantes de herencia (Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1e 2008)
- Henderson & Jeydel, Participation and Protest: Women and Politics in a Global World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
- Kuby, Human Geography in Action (John Wiley & Sons, 4e 2007)
- Adam & Clark, Journalism: The Democratic Craft (Oxford University Press, 1e 2006)
- Bowles et al., Understanding Capitalism (Oxford University Press, 3e 2005)
- Ponte & Cavenaugh, Cyberjustice: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for E-Commerce (Prentice-Hall, 1e 2004)
- Tushman and Anderson, eds., Managing Strategic Innovation and Change (Oxford University Press, 2004)
- Roberts, Religion in Sociological Perspective (Dorsey Press, 4e 2003)
- Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets (Oxford University Press, 2003)
- Dubofsky and Miller, Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management (Oxford University Press, 2003)
- Weiss, Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach (Southwestern-Thomson Learning, 2002)
- Epperson, Hall and Givens, Encounters: Readings for Advanced Composition (Kendall/Hunt Publ. Co., 2001)
- Nemeth, Law and Evidence: A Primer for Criminal Justice, Criminology, Law and Legal Studies (Prentice-Hall, 2000)
- Nicholas, Motivos de conversación: Essentials of Spanish (McGraw-Hill, 5e 1999, 6e 2003)
- Snell & Brown, Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities (Prentice-Hall, 5e 1999)
- Jerris, Human Resource Management for Hospitality (Prentice-Hall, 1998)
- Schmalleger, Criminal Law Today: An Introduction with Capstone Cases (Prentice-Hall, 1998)
- Langworthy & Davis, Policing in America (Prentice-Hall, 2e 1998)
- Carter & Radelet, The Police and the Community (Prentice-Hall, 6e 1998)
- Werner, Interactions Access: A Communicative Grammar (McGraw-Hill, 2e 1997)
- Medina, Nuevos destinos (McGraw-Hill, 1997)
- Rosoff, Profit without Honor: White Collar Crime and the Looting of America (Prentice-Hall, 1997)
- Bretz et al., Lengua (McGraw-Hill, 4e 1997)
- Savignon, Communicative Competence (McGraw-Hill, 2e 1997)
- Vélez, Sigamos, 2 vol. (McGraw-Hill, 1997)
- Guiltinan, Paul & Madden, Marketing Management (McGraw-Hill, 6e 1996)
- Finance (Simon & Schuster, 1e 1996)
- Heyck, Tradición y cambio (McGraw-Hill, 2e 1996, 3e 2004, 4e 2010)
- Wahlstrom and Williams, Learning Success: Being Your Best at College & Life (Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995)
- Lee and Van Patten, ¿Sabías que? (McGraw-Hill, 1e 1995, 2e 1999, 5e 2006)
Professional Associations
- Alliance Française d’Albuquerque
- American Society for Indexing
- Conference on Latin American History
- Rocky Mountain Conference on Latin American Studies
- Society for Latin American Studies (UK)
- European Association of Latin American Historians (AHILA)
- Southwest Association of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS)
Further research and published work can be accessed on Google Scholar and